Money Back Guarantee

We have 28 Days 100% Money back Guarantee for customers. Apart from that the products comes with a 2 years manufacturer warranty.

Every Bionette device comes with a two year manufacturer warranty that covers manufacturer defects. The warrantee is valid for two years from the date of purchase.

The Warranty covers repair or replacement of the unit at the discretion of the manufacturer as long as the device was used in accordance with instructions supplied by the manufacturer.


a. Improper use.
b. Repair by someone other than the manufacturer or an officially appointed representative of the manufacturer.
c. Accidental damage or breakage.
d. Damage caused by use of unsuitable batteries.

Leading Edge Medical Science

Bionette was developed by a team of scientists and doctors specializing in phototherapy and photobiology. Bionette harnesses the healing powers of Low-Level Narrow Band (“LLNB”) red light. It is clinically proven and its efficacy is supported by clinical and scientific data.

Aston-Med Limited UK

Aston-Med Limited UK is UK’s and International leading distributor of hospital and home health care medical devices. We provide the highest quality products at the best prices possible.

Aston-Med’s mission is to provide professional quality medical products that make your life easier. Aston-Med’s aim is to bring, market, promote and distribute ethical and cost effect medical devices to their partners and to the end users. We support our partners and healthcare providers to offer best possible care for the patients and this contributes towards the success of our clients, employees and shareholders. We supply medical devices in an area of Cardiac Surgery, Spine and Neuro Surgery, Urology and Gynaecology and home care products with cutting edge technology, innovation and research.

Aston-Med Limited UK is the Sole distributor of Bionette device in the UK and Ireland.